When I worked for a Winery in New Mexico I had the pleasure of learning all about Iberian cuisine from our chef. She spent a long time working in Barcelona and I loved everything she made. So naturally Barcelona had to be included on our little adventure! We enjoyed tapas consisting of patatas bravas, pan con tomate, and, of course, my favorite, Jamon Iberico!!! Good food is best served with good company and we were in luck. That's where Lou Mei and Josh come in! Josh is an old friend of Ryan's, who also happens to be traveling with his lady friend Lou Mei. The first night was just me, Ryan and Josh mobbing about town and the shenanigans we're at peak level. We started mild mannered enough with a little tapas and beer. But as we walked the streets a radioactive glow caught our eye. A green bottle of absinthe had our names written all over it. Within minutes of purchasing it we stumbled upon a waffle cafe titled, ahem, Dick Waffle. It's exactly what you think, they were yum. With our bellies full of phallic dough, we then acquired a tiny plastic skateboard and took turns riding it, (extremely gracefully) down hills and any other incline we could find. The rest of the night is a bit of a whirlwind. There was a rock and roll themed bar with vodka shots in there somewhere, and a secret room that held ancient ruins. The last stop that night was another bar where I realized my need for girl time, and quickly made friends with the two bartenders who were happy to pour me free beer and converse about the shortcomings of men (jk men luv u.). Barcelona night one was everything we could have hoped for and more.