Camden Town... Where to even begin?

Camden Town is a place that Amy Winehouse (a treasured icon in my heart) lived, and roamed freely. During our all too short time there, it was my mission to see everything Amy. And not but moments into Camden Market I was slowed by a "Grilled Cheese" sign. Nothing special, I don't typically even go for a grilled cheese unless it's homemade; so I shrugged it off- but then- as I turned around, there she was. The statue of Amy Winehouse.

I. Was. Gagged.

No really, I was entirely starstruck by her. I couldn't believe that I was right here in a space she loved, standing before a monument that will be the closest I will ever get to her... Of course I had a cry. Furthermore, I couldn't take a decent picture- to save my life- with her, because I was flush with emotion. I did manage to tuck a small handwritten note into one of her various bracelets. It didn't say anything amazing, just that I loved her, as well as how thankful I was was for the authenticity of her music. After I had settled down a bit me and Ryan experienced the rest of the market. We loved the umbrella alley, the shops, the food and the bustle of the whole place. The city was alive with rhythm.

Feeling energized by the vibrancy of art and alternative culture all around us we found ourselves in a piercing shop, "Cold Steel". Where the most agreeable gentlemen gave me a Winehouse piercing (aka a Monroe) and Ryan two piercings in his left ear. The men in the shop had met, conversed with and even quarrelled with Amy in days gone by and it felt so appropriate that they were the one to adorn us with our new face metals. They also gave us a list of all Amy's favorite pubs (yes we visited them). Afterwords we climbed Primrose Hill and beheld the whole of London, it was stunning.

Before doing our aforementioned pub crawl we strolled to Amy's home, where she passed away. It was beautiful. There were children playing in the park right in front of her home, and a big tree was decorated with love from Amy's fans from around the world. I did have to have another little cry. One person can touch so many lives- and all of us are just one person after all... a little reminder of why it is important to be kind🖤.

After our pub crawl we ate half priced sushi from Wasabi and it was still better than most sushi you get in New Mexico (no green chili to be seen of course so we're still at a loss on that one).

Camden spoke to me- was alive even if the person I came to see isn't. The beauty remains.