You might think the White Cliffs of Dover are pretty self explanatory, they are white cliffs... in Dover, but when traveling with a geologist there is always more than meets the eye! Ryan of course had a literal field (or should I say rock) day, analyzing the chalk and translating the language of earth to me. I did my best to keep up with him but it was hard when everything around us was so stunning. The views of the ocean off the cliff were superb, shimmering turquoise green and gold in the afternoon sun.

We did also find a secret tunnel through the cliff that lead us to a ladder, and that ladder lead right to the sea. We took turns climbing it, and I braved a mad scramble on the beach to retrieve a very specific rock Ryan wanted. The sea tried to get me as I dashed back to the ladder but I was too quick! With our rocks in one hand and a sausage roll in the other we headed back to the train station. The trains have been getting so much easier to navigate since we started using Citymapper, we are riding in style all over England since we now actually understand the underground and railway system! We made it home in great time, and totally didn't track a long line of chalk dust through Helens lovey house.💕