4 explorers, 3 countries, 2 pairs, 1 adventure.

The four of us left Andorra satisfied with our hiking and headed to Toulouse, France! Now mind you Ryan and I have been navigating conversations in Italian and Spanish and now we've thrown french in the mix. So everything coming out of our mouths is a hot mess. No I'm kidding we are still getting along fine, our tongues are just a bit tied. We spent 2 nights in Toulouse, visiting cafes and, randomly enough, a very old Irish Pub (the oldest in France according to the bar tender). While our time together had been awesome, Lou Mei and Josh wanted to head back to Spain, while me and Ryan were set to head further north. We celebrated our last night together by making a big soup with noodles, vegetables and soft boiled eggs. I've never visited so many countries in such a short while with people who I didn't really know. After having shared this experience together, I do consider both of them dear friends. Parting ways in an old classic french cafe was sad, but I'm happy to know I can make friends with good people. I was affirmed by our interactions that there is humor and kindness in me, and that people love to be around me just as much as I love to be around them (which has its limits- my god I need quiet sometimes. I can't be an artist if I don't brood by myself every now and then). I hope to continue to accept that I am good enough for the good, and keep allowing myself to be me. After all, in doing so, there's really nothing Toulouse.

Last Cappuccino together!

Crammed in an elevator!