Sometimes I am overcome with emotion, whether it be love, hate, or longing, there are moments in time when I feel wholly one thing. Recently It was at 9:30 pm on the overnight bus. I turned to Ryan wide eyed and crazed, practically growling. Now I'm sure we've all had moments of hanger, you know when you're so hungry that you start seeing red. But I was not hangery- no no- I was deranged with thirst. "If you don't go find me some water", I hissed at Ryan, "then you might not ever get a taste of pizza from Naples!". He made the right move, and I did indeed buy him a pizza or two in Naples. But this whole experience shook my beliefs regarding the believability of the Twilight Series, because, had I been in need of blood not water... well Ryan was sitting closest to me.

We made it to Naples rehydrated but sleepy. Since we got there quite early we couldn't check into our hostel and sleep like we wanted. So like the rational adults we are, we went to Pompeii! It was a mad scramble to find the right train, we talked to four people working at the train station and each time they sent us in another direction. But we made it on the train just as the doors closed, woohoo!

Pompeii was so much bigger than I thought it would be. It was a gorgeous sprawling ruin of stone, I felt like I was in an unfinished painting, which is a little ironic considering Pompeii used to be quite complete before Mt Vesuvius. There were ancient remains of tile art, pictures of horses, doves, and soldiers, all the oldest eyes of this place. I wondered about all the chaos and change they've seen. 

When we got back to Naples we explored the streets a little, then got pizza, beer and some some fantastic Ukranian honey pepper vodka. We left Naples the next day, because I didn't need much time there, I was thirsting for Rome.